Mid Dec
Late Jan

Takatsuki Station Illuminations 2024-2025

A dose of festive fun for your journey

Local: Takatsuki Station, Osaka Data: Mid Dec 2024 - Late Jan 2025

Many train stations across Japan are adorned with colorful lights during the colder months as a way of embracing the festive spirit and providing some seasonal joy for commuters. Osaka's Takatsuki Station is one of them, and their annual illumination event has been running since 2008. This year's event includes lights that draw inspiration from some of Japan's most iconic attractions.

Mount Fuji will be represented by blue lights decorating the station's clock tower, and pretty pink lights that look like cherry blossoms serve as a reminder of Japan's scenic beauty.

The illuminations run from 5pm until 11pm right up until the end of January, so if you're transiting through the area be sure to check them out.

Como chegar

Takatsuki Station is served by the JR Tōkaidō Main Line. The illuminations can be found around the south rotary.

For those who opt to, there are several paid lots in the streets surrounding the station.

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