Ultimate Guide to Osaka Castle: 06

Shikiri-mon Gate to Main Tower of Osaka Castle

This photo story is to guide you step-by-step as you explore the Osaka Castle and the Osaka Castle Park. The sixth leg of the journey begins at the 'Tenshushita Shikirimon Gate' to the main tower of Osaka Castle. You are right now standing at the back of the main tower. In order to get to the front you'll have to enter the Shikirimon Gate, which is made of stone walls in a staggered position to prevent enemies from going straight to the main tower. When you enter it and go around you'll see the vast open space spreading in front of you bustling with crowds and activities. Tourists are strolling around enjoying themselves by taking pictures, eating, etc. In front of the main tower there are some dark-colored stones displayed. They are called, 'Zannen Ishi', literaly, 'Bad Luck Stones' or 'Disappointed Stones'. They were quarried to be used as part of the stone walls here in 1612, but were never used and ended up being displayed here 400 years later. Bad luck indeed! For further guidance, please refer to the links below.

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